Dobrodošli na 15. HrOUG konferenciju. Da dragi moji, 15-ta! Vjerujem da je vrlo malo današnjih sudionika konferencije bilo sudionik Lovrana 1995. kada nas se prvu večer konferencije dvadesetak hrabrih okupilo oko šanka i kada smo imali budžet prve večeri dostatan za rundu točene pive i tri pizze. Usprkost malenog budžeta, službeni nam se fotograf tako napio da sa te konferencije nemamo niti jednu sliku jer mu je dva dana bilo zlo. Prošli smo od tih početaka dug put, pun lijepih uspomena.
Ovogodišnja konferencija održava se prvi puta na Crvenom otoku i nadamo se da će vam se ovogodišnja lokacija svidjeti.
Ponosni smo na stručni program sa čak 100 predavanja, nastup 6 Oracle Ace predavača, 15 stranih predavača iz 7 zemalja, kao i nastup najboljih hrvatskih predavača vezanih uz Oracle tehnologiju i aplikacije.
15 Years of HrOUG Conference
Welcome to 15 HrOUG conference. Yes my dear, 15-th! I believe that very few of today's conference participants were in Lovran 1995th. On the first night of the conference, twenty brave gathered around the bar and organizer had budget just for the one round of beers on tap and three pizzas. We had official photographer, too, but he was so drunk that we don’t have any picture from the conference because he was sick two days. We passed from the beginning a long way full of nice memories.
This year's conference will be held for the first time at Red Island, and we hope that you will like this year's location.
We are proud of the Agenda with up to 6 Oracle Ace sepakers, 15 speakers from 7 countries, as well as the performance of the best Croatian speakers related to Oracle technology and applications.
We are proud of the Agenda with up to 100 lectures, 6 Oracle Ace speakers, 15 speakers from 7 countries, as well as the performance of the best Croatian speakers related to Oracle technology and applications.
Vrsta: Keynote speach
Razina težine: Općenito / General
Poželjno iskustvo slušatelja: Bez iskustva (1 g. i manje) / No experinace
Poželjna funkcija slušatelja:
Krajnji korisnik / End User
Sistem Analitičar / System Analist
Dizajner / Designer
Menadžer - operativni / Manager - Operational
Menadžer - strateški / Manager - Strategic
Predviđeno vrijeme trajanja rada - aktivnosti: 20 min
101_Ranković Uvod.pdf 314,06 kB
Davor Ranković je predsjednik Hrvatske udruge Oracle korisnika od 1999. Godine. Rođen je u Zagrebu, gdje je završio osnovnu i srednju školu, te ekonomski fakultet na kojem 1992. godine postaje Magistar ekonomskih znanosti.
15 godina bio je na različitim upravljačkim funkcijama u velikim hrvatskim poduzećima, a od 2006. radi u vlastitom poduzeću.
Dugi se niz godina bavio Taekwondo sportom u kojem je bio 5 puta prvak Hrvatske. Kolekcionar je filmova, Home Theather i HIFI entuzijast.
Oženjen je i ima troje djece. Živi sa obitelji u Samoboru.
Davor Rankovic, president of the Croatian Association of Oracle users since 1999. Born in Zagreb, where he finished elementary and high school, and Faculty of Economics where 1992nd he became Master of economic sciences.
15 years was in various management positions in large Croatian companies, and since 2006. working in his private company.
Trained Taekwondo in which he was 5-time champion of Croatia. He is Home Theather and HIFI enthusiast.
He is married and has three children. He lives with his family in Samobor.