Kompletni, otvoreni, integrirani softverski i hardverski sustavi
Sa više od 370 000 korisnika i predstavljajući raznolike industrije u više od 145 država u svijetu Oracle pruža najpotpuniji, otvoren i integriran poslovni softver i hardverske sustave. Oracle oduvijek podržava tehnologije koje klijenti koriste za upravljanje informacijama, usmjeravanje poslovnih procesa, smanjenje troškova i pojednostavljenje u upravljanju IT infrastruktura. Počevši sa Oracleovim najboljim softverom za baze podataka, zatim s kompletnim aplikacijama za poduzeća i Middleware-om, Oracle pruža korisnicima kompletna, otvorena i integrirana softverska rješenja. Akvizicijom Sunovih poslužitelja, storage-a, SPARC i softverskih tehnologija kao sto su Solaris, MySQL, i Java, razvio se portfelj Oraclea.

With more than 370,000 customers and representing a variety of industries in more than 145 countries around the globe,Oracle provides the world’s most complete,open and integrated business software and hardware systems.Oracle has always developed technologies that customers use to manage informa¬tion,streamline business processes and reduce the costs and complexity of managing their IT infrastructures.Starting with Oracle’s flagship database software,followed by packaged enterprise applica¬tions and middleware,Oracle provides its customers with a more complete,open and integrated software solution. Now,with the addition of Sun’s servers, stor¬age, SPARC, and software technologies such as Solaris, MySQL, and Java,Oracle’s portfolio has evolved.

Detalji o predavanju

Vrsta: Keynote speach

Razina težine: Vrlo detaljno i stručno / Expert

Poželjno iskustvo slušatelja: Bez iskustva (1 g. i manje) / No experinace

Poželjna funkcija slušatelja:
Krajnji korisnik / End User
Sistem Analitičar / System Analist
Dizajner / Designer
Menadžer - operativni / Manager - Operational
Menadžer - strateški / Manager - Strategic

Predviđeno vrijeme trajanja rada - aktivnosti: 15 minuta min

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O predavaču

Software. Hardware. Complete

Marin Tadić

Oracle Hrvatska d.o.o.

Marin Tadić je diplomirao na Elektrotehničkom fakultetu u Zagrebu, kao prvi student čiji se diplomski rad odnosio na TCP i IT protokol. Nakon diplome dvije godine je radio u Ericssonu u odjelu Axe centrale. Nakon toga bio je stipendist Austrijske vlade u Beču gdje je sudjelovao u istraživanju i razvijanju DCP/IT protokola u Novelovom mrežnom okruženju.
U Beču je radio za Reuters GmbH i osnivao urede u Zagrebu, Ljubljani i Sarajevu te pokretao poslovanje u tim zemljama. Tijekom pet godina fokusirao se na poslovni segment i sa suradnicima odradio uspješne instalacije Reutersovih servisa u hrvatskom bankarskom sektoru.
Četiri godine bio je na čelu zagrebačkog ureda Hewlett Packarda koji je, počevši od nule, dosegao opseg od 27 zaposlenih i koji je progresivno razvijao sve zahtjevne segmente HP-a.
U ožujku 2002. godine preuzeo je vođenje ureda Oraclea u Hrvatskoj. Kroz osam godina svog djelovanja Marin Tadić izgradio je uspješan tim hrvatskih stručnjaka spremnih odgovoriti na sve zahtjeve Oracle korsnika.

Marin Tadic graduated on the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Zagreb. He was the first student whose graduation work was related to IT and the TCP protocol. After graduation, nearly two years he worked at Ericsson in the department of Axe headquarters. Thereafter, he was a stipendist of Austrian government in Vienna, where he participated in the research and development of DCP / IT in Novela’s protocol in a networks environment.
In Vienna, he began to work for Reuters GmbH, set up offices in Zagreb, Ljubljana and Sarajevo, and to initiate operations in these countries. During the five years he focused on the business segment and with his associates did a successful installation of Reuters service in the Croatian banking sector. For four years he was a head of Hewlett Packard's Zagreb office, which, starting from zero, reached the extent of 27 employees and has progressively developed all the demanding aspects of HP.
In March 2002. he took over the management of Oracle offices in Croatia. Throughout the eight years of his activities, Mr. Tadic has built a successful Croatian team of experts ready to answer on all demands of Oracle.