Unatoč činjenici da je Java platforma s nama više od 15 godina, ali tek ove godine doživljava značajne dodatke koji će bitno utjecati na koristenje Java platforma u sljedećem desetljeću. U ovom radu razmatramo glavne inovacije koje dolaze s verziji Java EE 7. Nije tajna da je mnogo tih inovacija usmjereno u oblak (Cloud Computing). U ovom ćemo radu osvijetliti inovacije i posljedice koje će imati novosti za sve koji koriste ili razvijaju Java rješenja. Java EE će postati PaaS (Platforma-as-a-Service)? Kako će to utjecati na postojeće aplikacije? Kako migrirati Java aplikacija u oblaku? Kako razviti Java aplikacije danas da budu dobro pripremljene za budućnost? Na ova i brojna druga pitanja bit će odgovoreno na predavanje.
Java EE 7 and Migration to the Cloud
Despite the fact that the Java platform with us more than 15 years, but just this year, is experiencing significant additions that will significantly affect how we will use the Java platform in the next decade. In this paper we review the main innovations that come with the seventh version of Java EE It is no secret that much of these innovations driven into the cloud (CloudComputing). In this paper we will highlight the innovations and the consequences they will have news for all who use or are developing Java solutions for it. Java EE will become PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service)? How will this affect existing applications? How do we migrate Java applications into the cloud? How to develop Java applications today that will be as well prepared for the future? In these and many other questions will be answered in the lecture.
Vrsta: Keynote speach
Razina težine: Srednje detaljno / Detailed
Poželjno iskustvo slušatelja: Iskusni (2-3 g.) / Experianced
Poželjna funkcija slušatelja:
Krajnji korisnik / End User
Sistem Analitičar / System Analist
Dizajner / Designer
Menadžer - operativni / Manager - Operational
Menadžer - strateški / Manager - Strategic
Predviđeno vrijeme trajanja rada - aktivnosti: 45 min
108_Jurič_JavaEE_7_HROUG.pdf 2,54 MB
Univerza v Ljubljani, Oracle ACE D, Java Champion
Matjaž B. Jurić, Java šampion i Oracle ACE direktor, dr. računalnih i informacijskih znanosti. Redoviti je profesor Sveučilišta u Ljubljani i voditelj Cloud Computing Centra i SOA Competence centra. Autor/ koautor više knjiga sa područja SOA, BPMN, BPEL i Cloud Computinga. Objavljivao je u nizu žurnala i magazina - SOA World Journal, Web Services Journal i drugih. Nositelj nagrade za najbolju knjigu 2007. - SOA World Journal.
Na Java području objavio je više knjiga i surađivao sa nizom izdavača - Java Dragulji (Cambridge University Press), Java Developer's Journal, Java Report, Java World, itd.
Surađivao je u više velikih projekata i bio sudionik niza konferencija. Matjaž je također član Savjetodavnog odbora BPEL. Detaljni CV je priložen.
Matjaz B. Jurič, Java Champion and Oracle ACE Director, Ph.D.in computer and information sciences. He is a professor at the University of Ljubljana and Head of Cloud Computing Center and the SOA Competency Center. Author / coauthor of several books in the field of SOA, BPMN, BPEL, and Cloud Computing. He has published in a series of journals and magazines - SOA World Journal, Web Services Journal, and others. The winners for best book of the 2007th - SOA World Journal.
On the Java area, he published several books and collaborated with a number of publishers - Java Gems (Cambridge University Press), Java Developer's Journal, Java Report, Java World, etc.
He has collaborated on several large projects and was a participant in a series of conferences. Matjaz is also a member of the Advisory Board of BPEL. Detailed CV is attached.