Supranet je razvio svoja vlastita rješenja bazirana na Oracle platformi koja su zadužena za upravljanje i nadzor infrastrukture. TIMgis je specijalizirano WEB GIS rješenje za planiranje, upravljanje i analizu telekomunikacijske infrastrukture. Supracontrol je sustav za kontrolu pristupa i nadzor uvjeta okoline u telekomunikacijskim i serverskim ormarima. Publici će se prikazati stvarni problemi koji se pojavljuju u održavanju i zaštiti infrastrukture te efikasan način na koje ih TIMgis i Supracontrol rješavaju.

Management and supervision of telecommunications infrastructure
Supranet has developed own solutions based on Oracle database. Both products can do so much in terms of managing, analysis and security of telecommunication infrastructure. TIMgis (Telecommunication Infrastructure Manager) is a specialized web GIS solution for managing and analyzing the telecommunication infrastructure that provides access to the position of each element of infrastructure. Participants will be shown the real problems that occur in the maintenance and protection of infrastructure and efficient way in which TIMgis and Supracontrol can resolve it.

Detalji o predavanju

Vrsta: Predavanje / Lecture

Razina težine: Srednje detaljno / Detailed

Poželjno iskustvo slušatelja: Bez iskustva (1 g. i manje) / No experinace

Poželjna funkcija slušatelja:
Dizajner / Designer
Menadžer - operativni / Manager - Operational
Menadžer - strateški / Manager - Strategic

Predviđeno vrijeme trajanja rada - aktivnosti: 30 min

615_Milicevic.pdf 7,17 MB

O predavaču

Upravljanje i nadzor telekomunikacijske opreme

Ivan Miličević

Supra net d.o.o.

Ivan Miličević, rođen u Osijeku 29.6.1983. Nakon završene srednje Geodetske tehničke škole zaposlio se u PRIOR inženjeringu kao stručnjak za GIS gdje je radio na implementaciji GIS programskih rješenja kao što su facillity management, sustav za evidenciju kućnih brojeva za potrebe Grada Velike Gorice, pružao svakodnevnu tehničku podršku u radu sa Autodesk-ovom paletom proizvoda. 2007. g. prelazi u tvrtku SUPRA NET te postaje voditelj Odjela za projektiranje i dokumentiranje gdje unapređuje poslovni proces dokumentiranja izvedenog stanja izradom niza aplikacija temeljenih na Autodesk Mapguide Enterprise serveru. Ubrzo nakon toga unutar tvrtke se formira Odjel za razvoj koji se u potpunosti bavi razvojem TIMgis i Supracontrol sustava.
Ivan Miličević was born in Osijek on June 29, 1983. After graduating in high survey school he was employed by Prior inženjering as a GIS specialist where he was working on implementation of GIS applications such as facility management and cadastral GIS database. On daily basis he was working as technical support for the wide portfolio of Autodesk products. In 2007.he was recruited by Supranet as head of Documenting department where he created several applications based on Autodesk Mapguide Enterprise server for seamless documenting process. Soon afterward he was promoted as head of Research and development department and since then he is involved in developmental process of TIMgis and Supracontrol products.