„Customer Experience“ je zbroj svih iskustava kupca s dobavljačem robe ili usluga tijekom trajanja njihovog odnosa. Ono obuhvaća sve aktivnosti, uključujući svijesnost, otkrivanje, privlačnost, interakciju, kupnju, uporabu, njegovanje i zagovaranje te usluge.
Postavljaju se pitanja: Je li to iskustvo onakvo kakvo oni žele i je li to upravo ono za što je namijenjeno?
Cilj je optimizirati CEM interakcije iz perspektive kupca i kao rezultat potaknuti njihovu lojalnost.
Mjeri se kako kupci preslikavaju to iskustvo kroz ponašanje u kupnji, obrasce kupovine, održavanje odnosa i artikulaciju njihove percepcije.
Prikazati ćemo koje strategije mogu pomoći u postizanju CEM izvrsnosti i kako Oracle proizvodi mogu pomoći u dosezanju tih ciljeva.
“Customer Experience Management” (CEM)
Customer Experience is the sum of all experiences a customer has with a supplier of goods or services, over the dura-tion of their relationship. This covers all activities including awareness, discovery, attraction, interaction, purchase, use, cultivation and advocacy.
The questions are: Is it the experience they want and is it what is intended for?
The goal of CEM is to optimize interactions from the customer's perspective and, as a result, foster customer loyalty.
It is measured by how customers translate this experience through buying behavior, purchasing patterns, maintaining relationship and articulation of their perceptions.
We will present what strategies could help in achieving CEM excellence and how Oracle products might help achieving these goals.
Vrsta: Predavanje / Lecture
Razina težine: Srednje detaljno / Detailed
Poželjno iskustvo slušatelja: Iskusni (2-3 g.) / Experianced
Poželjna funkcija slušatelja:
Sistem Analitičar / System Analist
Menadžer - operativni / Manager - Operational
Menadžer - strateški / Manager - Strategic
Predviđeno vrijeme trajanja rada - aktivnosti: 30 min
Siemens d.d.
Boris Bajtl gained more than twelwe years of experience in telecom software projects development with Siemens CMT.
His unique breadth and depth of knowledge has been developed through working in many roles across the specialist telecom arena. Boris has shown versatility in contribution to develop telecom solutions and also participated and initiated both design and implementation of various telecommunication systems for market leaders in telecom space.
He is a certified Project manager according to IPMA methodology and member of Project Management Institute since 2006. Recently, he has acquired the status of TMForum certified Business Development Manager (Frameworx, eTOM and SID certified consultant).
Boris holds a Master of Science degree in Electrical Engineering and has attended several International Project management and Leadership curriculums.