Uz kompleksnost današnje IT infrastrukture i programskih rješenja, tijekom obrade i procesiranja informacija pojavljuje se problem gubitka određene količine podataka za naplatu, a time nastaje i nenaplaćivanje te gomilanje gubitka kod davatelja usluga.
U svrhu smanjenja gubitaka na minimum, potrebno je uvesti određene aktivnosti kontrole i nadgledanja prometa važnih informacija. Budući da je takav sustav vrlo kompleksan, kontrola protoka trebala bi biti što više automatizirana.

Revenue Assurance

Due to the complexity of the todays IT system there is a suspicion that during data processing and transmission there could be a data loss and therefore a revenue leakage. In order to put the revenue leakage to a minimum it is necessary to implement some activities that would monitor and control the data traffic. Because the system is very complex, the optimal way of controlling and monitoring would be as automated as possible.

Detalji o predavanju

Vrsta: Predavanje / Lecture

Razina težine: Srednje detaljno / Detailed

Poželjno iskustvo slušatelja: Iskusni (2-3 g.) / Experianced

Poželjna funkcija slušatelja:
Sistem Analitičar / System Analist
Menadžer - operativni / Manager - Operational

Predviđeno vrijeme trajanja rada - aktivnosti: 30 min

O predavaču

Povećanje prihoda nije samo smanjenje troškova

Hrvoje Ovničević


Hrvoje Ovničević, Business Line Manager u sektoru Siemens Communications, Media and Technology odgovoran za odjel Service Resource Management. Unutar 13 godina rada u Siemensu na internacionalnim projektima unutar telekomunikacija, stekao je iskustvo u razvoju programskih rješenja, posebice u području Business/Operations Support Systems (BSS/OSS).
Kao voditelj projekata odgovoran je za razvoj telekomunikacijskih programskih produkata unutar billing i charging domene te riješenja unutar revenue assurance domene.
Hrvoje je magistar elektrotehnike i pohađao je više međunarodnih programa o rukovođenju, upravljanju i vođenju projekata te međunarodni program o usavršavanju prodajnih vještina.
Član je TM Foruma te certificirani Business Process Framework konzultant.

Hrvoje Ovničević, Business Line Manager in Siemens Communications, Media and Technology is responsible for the development group at Service Resource Management department. He has 13 years experience on the international telecommunications software projects in the area of Business/Operations Support Systems (BSS/OSS) and revenue assurance.
Current focuses are the billing and charging telecommunication solutions and revenue assurance solutions.
As a project manager, responsible for the whole life process of a software product development:
Hrvoje is a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering and has completed International Project management, Leadership and Sales curriculums.
He is member of TM Forum community and certified Business Process Framework consultant.