Zadatak DBA je da brine da baze podataka uredno rade i vraćaju rezultate upita u prihvatljivom vremenu. Zbog toga je potrebno redovito provjeravati rad baza podataka i reagirati prije nego što korisnici osjete da nešto ne radi u skladu s očekivanjem.
Na predavanju ćemo pogledati nekoliko svakodnevnih kontrola koje DBA mora izvoditi. Pokazat ćemo praktične primjere kako se neke kontrole mogu automatizirati i kako se organizirati kada moramo nadzirati veći broj baza podataka.
Controling a large number of databases
A DBA's mission is to have databases return results of the queries within an acceptable time. This requires regular checks and monitoring of databases in order to take action before the users feel the loss of its performance.
The presentation will show you some of the regular checks every DBA should perform on daily basis. You shall get to know ways to get those checks automated and how to get organized in order to control a large number of databases.
Vrsta: Predavanje / Lecture
Razina težine: Srednje detaljno / Detailed
Poželjno iskustvo slušatelja: Iskusni (2-3 g.) / Experianced
Poželjna funkcija slušatelja:
Predviđeno vrijeme trajanja rada - aktivnosti: 30 min
407_Oblak.pdf 621,01 kB
Abakus plus d.o.o.
Boris Oblak je direktor razvoja u tvrtki Abakus plus d.o.o. od godine 1992. Diplomirao je godine 1987. na Fakultetu strojarstva u Mariboru. Sa Oracle bazom podataka radi već od verzije 5 nadalje. Sa kolegom u 1996.g. uspješno je migrirao bazu podataka Oracle 7.1.5 na linux OS. U to doba Oracle smatrao je linux operativni sustav kao neozbiljan. Sa verzijom Oracle 8 tvrtka Oracle zvanično je podržala OS linux. Linux je danas prvi operativni sustav u tvrtki Oracle.
Sada uglavnom radi na administraciji i optimizaciji baze podataka Oracle (DBA).
Koautor je aplikacije Flight Information System u zračnoj luci Ljubljana i glavni autor aplikacije Arbiter - revizijski tragovi. Godine 2004 položio je Oracle Certified Professional DBA certifikat.
Boris Oblak, the head of research at Abakus plus d.o.o., is in charge of the IT research department since 1992. He graduated in 1987 from Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at University of Maribor. He started working with Oracle database at version 5. He and hist coleague were successful in porting Oracle database 7.1.5 to linux in 1996. At the time Oracle had not yet supported the operating system. With version 8 linux became an officialy supported platform for the Oracle database. Since then Oracle uses linux as their primary development platform and focused their efforts into administration and optimization of their database.
Boris is also a co-author of the Flight Information System application that is used at the „Jože Pučnik Airport“, which is the biggest airport in Slovenia. He is the main author of the Arbiter, which is an application for audit trail management. In the year 2004 he became Oracle Certified Professional DBA.