Automatsko upravljanje diskovnim sustavima (ASM) je uvedeno u verziji Oracle baze 10g da bi se pojednostavilo pohranjivanje datoteka baze, kontrolnih i redo log datoteka. Nakon toga su ASM osobine stalno nadograđivane I unapređivane tako da je ASM postao standard za upravljanje diskovnim sustavima za Oracle baze.
Dugo očekivana Oracle baza 12c je objavljena u lipnju ove godine. Ona ima mnogo novih zanimljivih osobina u mnogim područjima. U mom predavanju ću obuhvatiti nove osobine koje se odnose na ASM/ACSF:
• Oracle Flex ASM
• ASM Disk Scrubbing
• Disk Resync Enhancements
• Rebalance Enhancements
• Rolling Migration Framework
• Oracle Cloud File System (Oracle CloudFS)
• ACFS Enhancements Supporting NFS
• Oracle ACFS Plugins
Oracle Database 12c: New Features in ASM/ACFS
Automatic Storage Management (ASM) was introduced in Oracle 10g to simplify the storage of Oracle datafiles, controlfiles and logfiles. Since that time ASM features were continuously enhanced and improved so that ASM has become a de facto standard for Oracle database storage and is widely accepted.
Long awaited Oracle Database 12c is since June 2013 generally available. It has a lot of new interesting features in many areas. In my presentation I want to cover new features related to Automatic Storage Management and ACFS:
• Oracle Flex ASM
• ASM Disk Scrubbing
• Disk Resync Enhancements
• Rebalance Enhancements
• Rolling Migration Framework
• Oracle Cloud File System (Oracle CloudFS)
• ACFS Enhancements Supporting NFS
• Oracle ACFS Plugins
Vrsta: Predavanje / Lecture
Razina težine: Vrlo detaljno i stručno / Expert
Poželjno iskustvo slušatelja: Napredni (3 g. i više) / Advanced
Poželjna funkcija slušatelja:
Sistem Analitičar / System Analist
Dizajner / Designer
Menadžer - operativni / Manager - Operational
Predviđeno vrijeme trajanja rada - aktivnosti: 30 min
406_Jovanović-ASM db12c.pdf 3,34 MB
IN2 d.o.o.
Zoran Jovanović je magistar elektrotehnike i već više od 20 godina bavi se Oracle tehnologijom. Ima titulu Oracle ACE i OCP certifikat. Radi kao konzultant za sistemsku implementaciju Oracle tehnologije i proizvoda kao što su Oracle Server, Oracle Application Server, Oracle E-Business Suite i Business Performance Management (Hyperion). Tijekom rada na mnogobrojnim projektima stekao je puno iskustva u područjima kao što su replikacija, visokoraspoloživi sustavi (Oracle RAC), optimizacija performansi, backup i recovery, nadzor i upravljanje. Imam dugogodišnje iskustvo u implementaciji i održavanju Oracle infrastrukture na različitim platformama kao što su Windows serveri, UNIX platforme: HP-UX, Solaris, AIX, Tru64 UNIX, UnixWare, SCO UNIX, Linux, VMS. Više puta sam bio predavač na konferencijama HrOUG, EOUG, IOUG, SiOUG i SrOUG.
Zoran Jovanović has an MScEE degree and more than 20 years’ experience with Oracle technology. Since many years he has OCP certificate and recently I have got Oracle ACE title. His area of expertise is system implementation of Oracle products like Oracle database, application server, EBS and Hyperion. While working on numerous projects he has gained a lot of experience in areas like replication, RAC, performance optimization, backup and recovery, monitoring and control. He has many years of experience in Oracle infrastructure implementation and support on various platforms like Windows servers, UNIX platforms: HP_UX, Solaris, AIX, Tru64, UnixWare, SCO Unix, Linux, VMS. Frequently He is a speaker on Oracle conferences like HrOUG, EOUG, IOUG and SiOUG.