Pokazati ćemo potencijal za razvoj Java aplikacija na Amazon AWS oblaku. Razmotriti ćemo IaaS i PaaS ponude pomoću Elastic Beans talk i pripremljene slike. Također će se predstaviti različite tehnologije koje se nude, kao što je AWS S3, RDS, DynamoDB, SQS, SNS, ElastiCache, CloudFront, CloudSearch, Glacer, CloudWatch, Simple Workflow i IAM, s naglaskom na Java razvoj. Na praktičnom primjeru pokazati ćemo razvoj i implementaciju iz Eclipse.
Developing Java applications in Amazon AWS Cloud: Practical Demonstration
We will demonstrate the potential for the development of Java applications in the Amazon AWS cloud. We will review IaaS and PaaS offerings using Elastic Beans talk and prepared images. We will also present the different technologies offered by AWS, such as S3, RDS, DynamoDB, SQS, SNS, ElastiCache, CloudFront, CloudSearch, Glacier, CloudWatch, Simple Workflow, and IAM, with emphasis on the Java development. On a practical example we will show the development and deployment from Eclipse.
Vrsta: Predavanje / Lecture
Razina težine: Vrlo detaljno i stručno / Expert
Poželjno iskustvo slušatelja: Iskusni (2-3 g.) / Experianced
Poželjna funkcija slušatelja:
Krajnji korisnik / End User
Sistem Analitičar / System Analist
Dizajner / Designer
Menadžer - operativni / Manager - Operational
Predviđeno vrijeme trajanja rada - aktivnosti: 30 min
807_Dukarić_Jurič Razvpj apl u AmazonAWS .pdf 1,08 MB
Univerza Ljubljana, SOA & Cloud CCC
Koautor: Matjaž Branko Jurič - Univerza Ljubljana, SOA & Cloud CCC
Robert Dukarić je istraživač kod tvrtke XLAB / Sveučilište u Ljubljani i konzultant u Centru za računalstvo u oblaku. Doktorski student je na Sveučilištu u Ljubljani (UL-PET). U 2010, je diplomirao računalne znanosti na Sveučilištu u Mariboru. U 2009/2010 On sudjelovao je u programu razmjene studenata na Sveučilištu u Madeira (UM) / CarnegieMellon University (CMU), a 2013 bio je gostujući znanstvenik na Sveučilištu u Melbourneu (oblaci Lab). Sudjelovao je u nekoliko R & D projekata i savjetodavnih projekata za industriju. Njegovi istraživački interesi uključuju računalstva u oblacima, uslužno orijentirane arhitekture (SOA) i Java EE platformi. Zaradio je titulu suradnik i SOA Solution Architect za Cloud Computing.
Robert Dukarić is a researcher at XLAB d.o.o. / University of Ljubljana and a consultant at Cloud Computing Competence Center. He is also a Ph.D. candidate at the Faculty of Computer and Information Science, University of Ljubljana. He has obtained a M.Sc. degree in computer science at the University of Maribor in 2010. He participated in a student exchange program at the University of Madeira (UM) / Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) in 2009/2010 and has been a visiting researcher at the University of Melbourne (CLOUDS Lab) in 2013. He is involved in several R&D projects and consulting projects for the industry. His research interests include Cloud Computing, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Java EE platform. He is an SOA Associate and Solution Architect for Cloud Computing.